Always there with passion and whole heart.
I am the mother of a school-age son and enjoy pursuing my passion in art. The creative arts are filters and balancing at the same time. I am also a trained commercial clerk and have trained in a wide variety of areas.
I look forward to growing and it is a pleasure and a concern for me to continue to educate myself and to incorporate the newly acquired views into my work.
My path led me over various curves to hypnotherapy. Once I have arrived here, I feel in myself and ready to accompany other people on their way.
Be free - let go - feel themselves and be themselves. Initiating this process is a wonderful path full of enrichment and gifts.
I look forward to showing you how you can go your own way, feel free and be within yourself.
diploma cert. Hypnotherapy VSH/NGH (with Gabriel Palacios )
Reiki Level I (with Gloria Haegi )
Reiki Level I & II (with Lisa Powers
Foot reflexology basic course (Bodyfeet)
Foot reflexology visual and tactile findings (body feet)
Tibetan Head and Face Massage (Dolphin Healing)
Energetic Massage (Dolphin Healing)
dip cert. Bach flower therapy (Delphin Healing)
Classic back massage (Bodyfeet)
Sound field work with tuning forks II & II at the Verbena health practice
Further education
Reiki Level I (with Gloria Haegi)
Reiki Level I & II (with Lisa Powers)
Fussreflexzonenmassage Sicht- und Tastbefund (Bodyfeet)
Tibetische Kopf- und Gesichtsmassage (Delphin Healing)
Klangfeldarbeit mit Stimmgabeln I & II bei Gesundheitspraxis Verbena
Kräuterstempelmassage (Bodyfeet)
Relax-Massage (Bodyfeet)
Traumatherapie & Familienstellen (Delphin Healing)
Access Bars
Ayurveda Fussmassage mit der Kaash-Schale (Bodyfeet)
Ocean Massage (Bodyfeet)
Colour Therapy Foundation (The Academy of Ancient Magik)
Crystal Healing (The Natural Healer - Melissa Crowhurst)