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Energetic massage according to shamanic Tibetan teachings 

The energetic massage is a gentle massage with little pressure and causes deep relaxation.


Recommended for back pain, but also for nervous stress, or simply as a wonderful feel-good massage. It has a relaxing, strengthening and harmonizing effect at the same time. The back is mainly massaged, although the arms and legs are also massaged.


The energetic back massage is a gentle, very slow massage and calms the nervous system, relaxes the body and creates inner peace.


It can help and support you with:

- Overwork, exhaustion

- Stress relief

- back pain

- inner restlessness

- tension

- internal pressure

- Release old patterns/blockages

- Release emotions

- take a break



60 min., 100 Fr.




I completely forgot space and time. 


It just felt so good. 


My feeling of tension became finally interrupted. 

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